Saturday, December 13, 2008

Vandalism by the righteous?

Here in New Zealand there is a brand of beer called "Tui" which has a rather clever advertising campaign. They have billboards with a witty comment, usually relating to current events, followed by a large "Yeah Right".

For example

Winston Peters was a NZ politician who got into a bit of trouble over a donation which he said he didn't take.

Recently, one of these billboards has gone up with a message about the Christmas holiday but it appears to have been damaged. Take a look:

As you can see the "Right" in "Yeah Right" has been removed. If this was not done on purpose it is awfully convenient damage to only have effected one word. No doubt this petty vandalism cost Tui thousands of dollars to fix.

It just goes to show when you have God on your side everything is permitted.

~Cogito, ergo deus non est~

(Notes: image retrieved from

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